<aside> 💭 Prompt: As long as most of us have been around, weekends have been set aside as a special sort of time. With days flowing together like temporal molasses, carving out space for R&R is essential for keeping our brains from jumping ship.

Write about how you’re spending this weekend. Tucking into a special project you’ve been saving, trying to remember what relaxation feels like, sitting in on a 20 person vidchat covering the precise method of pickling Canadian root vegetables.


💬 Weekend daze

By Jana Barrett

This weekend went much like the last few: weird, social, warm, silly, surreal. I hopped between funny group Zoom events, FaceTimes with new friends, and Houseparty drop-ins. I'm growing closer to people I probably wouldn't have crossed paths with had it not been for COVID.

I'm a floater—I love to dip my toes in many different circles. So this shift to all virtual communication has been oddly freeing for me. It's rekindled my love for chit chat and spontaneous deep dives with people I hardly know. It feels like a return to college, in many ways, where I was always chatting with multiple friends over text or Facebook Messenger or BBM (throwback).

Shelter in place has reminded me just how important those little strings of silly conversation are to me, and how much I've missed them in my daily life. At some point, texting friends just to chat started to feel like an intrusion. I created all these walls between myself and the people I care about that were based on my neuroses. So knowing that people are just generally down to hang out and shoot the shit has been a sweet shift.

🐣 Three day weekend

By April Ahrens

I got Good Friday off work, so it was a three day weekend. I went into the weekend thinking, what the heck am I going to do with a three day weekend?? Normally I would have all kinds of plans, be traveling, getting out and about, trying to really utilize the extra day off. This time, I was at a loss.

So, I made small plans with myself. Got a doughnut from my favorite doughnut place Friday morning. Took a lot of walks in the sun (the sun was out each day this weekend and it was glorious). I cooked a huge Easter lunch. Did a virtual dance party, had a virtual hang out with some cousins, and did a virtual Easter dinner with friends. Found two movies I was excited about watching and watched them Friday and Saturday night (Topper Returns, The Lady Vanishes) It ended up being a fun. I was actually a little sad to go back to work today.

A stay at home long weekend, was much more fun than I thought it would be. I guess I just had to be pushed a little to find some extra activities for myself. And now I have a lot of delicious leftovers from all my Easter cooking

Sound on, sound off

Back in my salad days