<aside> 💭 Prompt: With our movement restricted, we’re experiencing a shift in our soundscapes. Normally, we move from place to place. Coffee shops, offices, waterparks, home — each with a particular auditory environment. With this variety narrowed comes a new appreciation of the sounds around us.

Write about the sounds in your life. Maybe you’re hearing more birdsong, or noticing the sounds of your housemate shuffling to the kitchen in slippers, or listening in on your neighbor Georgio gabbing with Michelle, the human megaphone.


📣 Soundscapin'

By Dave Gorum

On my morning stomp around the neighborhood I typically listen to a binaural beat. The droning hum promising a “creativity boost” or “theta mediation”. Today I ditched the possibilities of meditating my thetas to try my hand as a human field recorder. Here’s what I noted:

🗣 Snippets of conversation and lots of kid insanity

By Kristen Pavle